Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,629 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

Audience customers

89920 328968 418888

All Clientele customers

89920 328968 418888

Attributes channel

89920 328968 418888

application software industry

30994 127240 158234

arts & entertainment solutions

18640 34437 53077

AI information industry

1927 15685 17612

artificial intelligence information industry

1927 15685 17612

artificial intelligence tech

1900 15651 17551

AI tech

1900 15651 17551

artificial intelligence solutions

1789 15717 17506

AI solutions

1789 15717 17506

artificial intelligence software

1624 15268 16892

artificial intelligence software

1624 15268 16892

AI software

1624 15268 16892

AI software

1624 15268 16892

AI application software

1221 14783 16004

artificial intelligence application software

1221 14783 16004

artificial intelligence management application

1011 14517 15528

AI management application

1011 14517 15528

advisor industry

2879 9874 12753

analytics applications industry

4562 6693 11255

analytics software industry

4562 6693 11255

audiovisual media industry

3696 4920 8616

advertising agency industry

2242 4232 6474

ad agency industry

2242 4232 6474

athletics solutions

1749 3536 5285

assistive technology solutions

155 3476 3631

AEC industry customers

1100 2411 3511

architecture, engineering and construction industry customers

1100 2411 3511

architecture, engineering and construction industry information industry

1258 2246 3504

AEC industry information industry

1258 2246 3504

apps industry

1559 1939 3498

autism solutions

66 3322 3388

accountancy solutions

1333 2047 3380

accounting solutions

1333 2047 3380

asset management (physical) information industry

1446 1901 3347

asset management (physical) tech

1429 1883 3312

asset management (physical) solutions

1388 1918 3306

applied science solutions

1114 2096 3210

audio solutions

1344 1759 3103

architecture, engineering and construction industry tech

1061 2021 3082

AEC industry tech

1061 2021 3082

asset management (physical) software

1309 1726 3035

asset management (physical) software

1309 1726 3035

athletics information industry

1295 1541 2836

athletics information industry

1295 1541 2836

age group customers

1056 1732 2788

advertising network industry

898 1830 2728

ad network industry

898 1830 2728

affiliate network industry

898 1830 2728