Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,950 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

digital marketing industry

3583 9699 13282

digital security information industry

2671 7711 10382

digital security tech

2645 7675 10320

digital security solutions

2487 7558 10045

diagnostics solutions

52 7216 7268

diagnostics healthcare institutions

7 6559 6566

diagnostics healthcare service

7 6559 6566

diagnostics health care institutions

7 6559 6566

diagnostics laboratory

2 6545 6547

diagnostics clinical laboratory

2 6544 6546

document management solutions

3068 6034 9102

digital marketing solutions

3460 5813 9273

document management information industry

3055 5691 8746

document management tech

3026 5646 8672

digital marketing information industry

3604 5597 9201

digital marketing information industry

3604 5597 9201

digital security software

1354 5382 6736

digital security software

1354 5382 6736

digital security infrastructure software

1225 5206 6431

digital security systems software

1225 5206 6431

digital marketing tech

3225 5026 8251

digital security Security Software

984 4945 5929

development solutions

2024 4640 6664

data management solutions

2084 4543 6627

data analytics solutions

2084 4543 6627

data analytics information industry

2152 4469 6621

data management information industry

2152 4469 6621

document management software

2121 4451 6572

document management software

2121 4451 6572

data management tech

2133 4436 6569

data analytics tech

2133 4436 6569

development information industry

1860 4033 5893

development information industry

1860 4033 5893

development tech

1802 3951 5753

digital marketing software

2261 3739 6000

digital marketing software

2261 3739 6000

disabled customers

165 3689 3854

digital marketing application software

2154 3603 5757

document management application software

1449 3599 5048

disabled health care institutions

62 3489 3551

disabled healthcare service

62 3489 3551

disabled healthcare institutions

62 3489 3551

data management software

1380 3458 4838

data management software

1380 3458 4838

data analytics software

1380 3458 4838

data analytics software

1380 3458 4838

digital marketing management application

1953 3367 5320

document management management application

1232 3311 4543

depository financial institution customers

1468 2960 4428

doctor customers

695 2695 3390