Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,950 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

Industry industry

91343 348676 440019

information industry industry

74849 241150 315999

it industry industry

51327 190919 242246

internet terms channel

38929 75662 114591

information technology information industry

19211 68259 87470

information technology information industry

19211 68259 87470

information technology tech

17896 66433 84329

information technology solutions

17855 68962 86817

IT Services/Consulting industry

15367 44633 60000

IT Consultant industry

15367 44633 60000

information technology consultant industry

15367 44633 60000

IT Consultant industry

11112 38823 49935

IT Services/Consulting industry

11112 38823 49935

information technology consultant industry

11112 38823 49935

information technology software

9186 33387 42573

information technology software

9186 33387 42573

information technology IT Consultant

8426 32544 40970

information technology IT Services/Consulting

8426 32544 40970

infrastructure software industry

7703 15295 22998

internet solutions

6781 15044 21825

internet information industry

6471 13703 20174

internet information industry

6471 13703 20174

internet tech

5581 12451 18032

information technology application software

4920 23290 28210

information technology systems software

4345 10187 14532

information technology infrastructure software

4345 10187 14532

industrial industry information industry

4080 5516 9596

industrial industry tech

3678 5061 8739

internet marketing information industry

3604 5597 9201

internet marketing information industry

3604 5597 9201

industrial industry customers

3505 6039 9544

internet marketing solutions

3460 5813 9273

information technology management application

3299 21204 24503

internet marketing tech

3225 5026 8251

internet software

3218 8037 11255

internet software

3218 8037 11255

industrial industry software

3033 4255 7288

industrial industry application software

2704 3894 6598

information security information industry

2671 7711 10382

information security tech

2645 7675 10320

information security solutions

2487 7558 10045

internet IT Consultant

2302 4329 6631

internet IT Services/Consulting

2302 4329 6631

internet marketing software

2261 3739 6000

internet marketing software

2261 3739 6000

internet application software

2201 6277 8478

investing solutions

2160 19029 21189

investment solutions

2160 19029 21189

internet marketing application software

2154 3603 5757

industrial solutions

2123 5468 7591