Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 856,054 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

inbound marketing industry

36 50 86

Information Lifecycle Management industry

1 8 9

ILM industry

1 8 9

institutional review board industry

1 3 4

insurance underwriter industry

10 19 29

institutional investors collection agency

0 1 1

institutional investors debt collection agency

0 1 1

investment company collection agency

0 1 1

investment firm debt collection agency

0 1 1

investment trust debt collection agency

0 1 1

investment firm collection agency

0 1 1

investment company debt collection agency

0 1 1

investment trust collection agency

0 1 1

itinerary industry

89 110 199

integrated circuit industry

9 52 61

informatics industry

1806 2340 4146

interactive entertainment industry staffing

1 1 2

interactive entertainment industry employment agency

1 1 2

instructions industry

7 12 19

instruction manual industry

7 12 19

interactive kiosk industry

53 83 136

infrastructure software industry

7655 15253 22908

internet forum industry

105 131 236

IT Consultant industry

11084 36910 47994

information technology consultant industry

11084 36910 47994

IT Services/Consulting industry

11084 36910 47994

it industry industry

51091 188279 239370

information industry industry

74567 238440 313007

investment bank industry

122 826 948

investment trust industry

108 11805 11913

investment company industry

108 11805 11913

investment fund industry

108 11805 11913

investment firm industry

108 11805 11913

IT Consultant industry

15325 42705 58030

information technology consultant industry

15325 42705 58030

IT Services/Consulting industry

15325 42705 58030

index industry

14 17 31

institutional investors educational institution

1 1 2

institutional investors career college

1 1 2

institutional investors college

1 1 2

institutional investors university

1 1 2

institutional investors training company

1 1 2

institutional investors training

1 1 2

IDE industry

717 1462 2179

intellectual property licensing industry

50 79 129

insert advertising industry

61 67 128

infrastructure hosting services industry

346 470 816

infrastructure hosting industry

346 470 816

internet service industry

57 177 234

ISP industry

57 177 234