Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,706 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

management application industry

23942 102735 126677

media industry

21528 37647 59175

marketing industry

9951 24157 34108

marketing solutions

6822 14683 21505

mobile channel

5799 15118 20917

marketing information industry

6572 12446 19018

marketing information industry

6572 12446 19018

marketing tech

5222 10139 15361

medical science solutions

879 14212 15091

merchant industry

4792 10192 14984

mobile business to business information industry

3425 10936 14361

mobile B2B information industry

3425 10936 14361

manufacturer industry

1668 12667 14335

mobile business to business tech

3323 10798 14121

mobile B2B tech

3323 10798 14121

mobile business to business software

3048 10455 13503

mobile B2B software

3048 10455 13503

marketing software

3997 8494 12491

marketing software

3997 8494 12491

media solutions

4977 7490 12467

marketing application software

3821 8271 12092

mobile business to business application software

2304 9070 11374

mobile B2B application software

2304 9070 11374

marketing management application

3449 7818 11267

medical science health care institutions

156 10571 10727

medical science healthcare service

156 10571 10727

medical science healthcare institutions

156 10571 10727

mobile B2B management application

1795 8420 10215

mobile business to business management application

1795 8420 10215

merchant information industry

3518 5835 9353

merchant tech

3297 5552 8849

merchant customers

2872 5664 8536

merchant software

2957 5097 8054

merchant application software

2773 4885 7658

merchant management application

2628 4711 7339

medical diagnostics solutions

52 7216 7268

mercantile establishment industry

1670 5160 6830

medical science laboratory

7 6759 6766

medical science clinical laboratory

7 6758 6765

medical diagnostics health care institutions

7 6559 6566

medical diagnostics healthcare service

7 6559 6566

medical diagnostics healthcare institutions

7 6559 6566

medical diagnostics laboratory

2 6545 6547

medical diagnostics clinical laboratory

2 6544 6546

mobile consumer information industry

2853 3643 6496

marketplace industry

2451 3656 6107

manufacturer information industry

2562 3496 6058

manufacturer customers

2239 3800 6039

managed services industry

1239 4579 5818

manufacturer tech

2313 3221 5534