Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 856,072 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

records management solutions

3054 6022 9076

retail merchant information industry

3499 5815 9314

retailer information industry

3499 5815 9314

records management information industry

3039 5680 8719

retail merchant customers

2860 5651 8511

retailer customers

2860 5651 8511

records management tech

3010 5635 8645

retailer tech

3278 5532 8810

retail merchant tech

3278 5532 8810

retail industry

1667 5158 6825

retail store industry

1667 5158 6825

retailer industry

1667 5158 6825

retail merchant software

2938 5077 8015

retailer software

2938 5077 8015

retailer application software

2754 4866 7620

retail merchant application software

2754 4866 7620

retail merchant management application

2609 4692 7301

retailer management application

2609 4692 7301

records management software

2107 4442 6549

records management software

2107 4442 6549

recreation solutions

2219 4299 6518

real-estate solutions

1633 3692 5325

real estate solutions

1633 3692 5325

records management application software

1438 3590 5028

revenue cycle solutions

1172 3497 4669

records management management application

1222 3303 4525

Retail solutions

1581 3174 4755

Retailing solutions

1581 3174 4755

revenue cycle information industry

935 2983 3918

revenue cycle tech

930 2979 3909

Retail information industry

1576 2953 4529

Retailing information industry

1576 2953 4529

Retailing information industry

1576 2953 4529

Retail information industry

1576 2953 4529

revenue cycle software

881 2921 3802

revenue cycle software

881 2921 3802

real estate customers

1148 2895 4043

real-estate business customers

1148 2895 4043

revenue cycle application software

853 2883 3736

revenue cycle management application

840 2860 3700

research industry

1485 2722 4207

Retail tech

1071 2284 3355

Retailing tech

1071 2284 3355

risk assessment solutions

1257 2155 3412

risk management solutions

1257 2155 3412

real-estate information industry

1474 2124 3598

real-estate information industry

1474 2124 3598

real estate information industry

1474 2124 3598

real estate information industry

1474 2124 3598

Retail software

763 1891 2654