Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 856,007 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

web hosting services industry

1853 3442 5295

webhost industry

1853 3442 5295

WBT industry

517 1697 2214

Web Based Training industry

517 1697 2214

webcrawler industry

7 12 19

web crawler industry

7 12 19

website industry

3627 6072 9699

workflow software industry

1029 1187 2216

web forum industry

104 130 234

web broadcast industry

570 977 1547

webcasting industry

570 977 1547

word processing industry

18 22 40

word of mouth marketing industry

8 10 18

wom marketing industry

8 10 18

word-of-mouth marketing industry

8 10 18

workbook industry

14 18 32

web host IT Consultant

1 1 2

web host IT Services/Consulting

1 1 2

web hosting industry IT Consultant

1 1 2

web host software developers

1 1 2

web hosting service software developers

1 1 2

web hosting industry software developers

1 1 2

web hosting industry IT Services/Consulting

1 1 2

web hosting service IT Consultant

1 1 2

web hosting service IT Services/Consulting

1 1 2

warehouse management software industry

12 0 12

workshop industry

13 23 36

workforce software industry

100 0 100

women VC

0 1 1

women venture capital firm

0 1 1

womens seed accelerator

0 1 1

women business incubator

0 1 1

womens private equity firm

0 1 1

women private equity

0 1 1

women equity financing

0 1 1

women equity investor

0 1 1

womens investment firm

0 1 1

womens investment fund

0 1 1

women investment fund

0 1 1

womens investment company

0 1 1

womens fund

0 1 1

womens business incubator

0 1 1

women seed accelerator

0 1 1

women financial intermediary

0 1 1

web browser industry

22 27 49

womens collective investment scheme

0 1 1

women collective investment company

0 1 1

womens financial intermediary

0 1 1

womens equity investor

0 1 1

womens private equity

0 1 1